Projects Overview

Here’s an overview of some of the projects I’ve worked on over the years.


I wrote a web app to help me track how I spend my time. It uses the Django framework for the back-end and Bootstrap for styling the front-end. It was my largest web development project to date, and I learned a ton from it.

A screenshot of the various charts Chronicle shows to visualize your data

AI Alignment Research

To learn about the process of doing empirical AI alignment research, I attempted to reproduce the paper "The Capacity for Moral Self-Correction in Large Language Models" by Ganguli et al. from 2023.

A plot showing some of the results from my study compared to the original

Undergraduate Capstone

As an undergrad, I worked with a team on two capstone engineering projects for outside clients. One was building a flight data recorder for SpaceX, and the other was studying the ferroelectric properties of nanoparticles.

The housing of one of our final prototypes for the SpaceX project


Formlabs, my employer, holds an annual hackathon for its employees. I've participated in every one and had a blast each time. Here are a couple of my most successful projects.

Diagram of an inverted SLA printer I helped build

Advent of Code

Advent of Code is a programming challenge held every year in December. I've participated in it several times, using it as an opportunity to teach myself new programming languages.

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