Hackathon Projects

Formlabs, my employer, holds an annual hackathon for its employees where individuals or small groups work on a project of their choosing for a few days. I’ve participated in every one and had a blast each time. Here are a couple of the most successful projects.

Unfortunately, I can’t share any pictures or code since they contain proprietary information.

2021: Live Dashboard for Sensor Data

The hackathon project I’m most proud of was the one I did in 2021, which was my only solo project. I created a dashboard for viewing live sensor data and status information from our 3D printers in a web browser. Formlabs already provides a dashboard for our customers to monitor the status of their printers. I wanted to create an internal tool to give engineers like myself an under-the- hood view to help debug issues and improve performance.

The project involved both embedded and web development. The server running on the printer was written in Go and streamed data to clients using WebSockets. Visualization on the client end was done in JavaScript using plotly.js . It took a lot of work, but I managed to complete all the features I wanted to in four consecutive days.

Design Principles

Before starting the project, I had a clear set of principles in mind to guide the design. Writing these down ahead of time was a major reason the project was as successful as it was.

My primary principle was that I wanted the burden of running the server on the printer to be minimal in terms of CPU, memory and disk I/O. The printer has more important work to worry about, like driving its motors and laser. The project would have been nearly useless if it negatively impacted the active print since hardly anyone would have wanted to use it.

For similar reasons, I wanted the server running on the printer to be fully stand-alone and self-contained. I didn’t want to make any modifications to the existing applications in the firmware that are responsible for running prints.

Thirdly, I wanted it to be as simple as possible to fire up the tool and use it, even for a brand new employee without much software knowledge. I didn’t want them to have to run any scripts or install any packages.

Lastly, I deliberately avoided any way of controlling the printer from the dashboard. Being able to remotely start and stop prints, or even move motors, would certainly have been handy. But it might have made people hesitant to adopt the tool if there was a risk of someone accidentally ruining their important test print. This principle also helped limit the scope of the initial feature set. Controls, with appropriate safeguards, could always have been added later.


The dashboard showed plots of motor positions, temperatures and other sensor data, all of which updated in real time. It also displayed information about the active print, including its name, layer number and time remaining.

The backend could have been expanded to capture other information relatively easily. The limitations were on the frontend. I didn’t want the UI to become too cluttered. Plus, the graphs were starting to stutter when updating three different plots, each with multiple series, ten times a second. To address this, I later added the ability to toggle off undesired plots to save bandwidth and client CPU usage.

The dashboard was compatible with all our printers at the time: the Form 3, Form 3L and Fuse 1. It adjusted which plots were displayed based on the printer type since different products have different sensors.


The backend was written completely in Go, which isn’t exactly the most common language for web development. My preferred language is Python, but I went with Go because I wanted minimize the CPU and memory impact on the printer. I had first learned Go a few years prior during Advent of Code, but this was my first practical project with it. I found it easier than I expected to collect sensor data and push it to clients over WebSockets. Thank you to the authors of the libraries I used! And Go definitely fit the bill when it came to performance. In my testing, the server never used more than a few percent of the printer’s CPU or memory, even with several clients connected.

In accordance with the third design principle, the dashboard was extremely simple to view. All a user had to do was open a web browser and type in the printer’s IP address. The server was configured to start automatically when the printer booted up, and it listened on the default HTTP port of 80. Once a client connected, the server would set up a WebSocket to stream data continuously.

Every time the client received a message from the server, about 10 times a second, it would update the plots accordingly. Plotly makes it possible to modify individual elements of a plot without needing to redraw the whole thing, which is very helpful when making live dashboards like this one. However, the visualizations started to become a little jittery once I was plotting many different data steams. Had I wanted to add more, I would have explored other libraries besides plotly. That said, plotly excelled in the number and customizability of the visualizations it offered.

The hardest part for me by far was fiddling with the HTML and CSS to make it look presentable. That alone took me an entire day out of the four I spent on the project. I’m satisfied with the final appearance, but I’m sure someone with more experience with web UIs could give me lots of pointers to make it better.


The response from my coworkers was extremely positive. Several told me how useful this would be in their day-to-day work. I even got a shout out from the CEO in the wrap-up email!

Ultimately, the tool was not widely adopted for a combination of reasons. The products it was written for were already mature at the time, with the bulk of their engineering effort behind them. The next generation of products, while timed well to take advantage of this tool, turned out to be substantially different in terms of their firmware. The server portion would have needed to be rewritten from scratch. But don’t despair! The spirit of a dashboard for viewing live sensor data is still alive and well, just in a different form. And even though it fell short of being a smash hit, I’m proud of the programming and project planning skills it taught me.


I named the project Tirmo, which means “watcher” in JRR Tolkien’s Elvish language of Quenya. Formlabs has a history of using Tolkien-themed names internally, and I felt that the meaning was a good fit. It’s also concise, memorable and relatively easy to spell and pronounce, at least as far as Elvish goes!

2016: Top-Down SLA 3D Printer

For my first hackathon, I worked with three others to make one of our 3D printers print upside-down (in a loose sense). Formlabs printers hold liquid resin in a clear-bottomed tank and cure it with UV light from below, a technique known as bottom-up or inverted stereolithography. An alternative approach is to cure the resin from above. This has the advantage of exerting much lower force on the part as it prints, though it suffers from challenges with surface tension, among others.

Diagram showing basics of stereolithography 3D printing
Comparison of bottom-up and top-down stereolithograpy

I helped with calibrating the printer and generating the instructions to make it print. The printing process was quite different from what we were used to, but we managed to get our first print started in under 24 hours! It was fun to squeeze as much of a product cycle as we could into only a few days.


By moving the optics from the bottom of the printer to the top, we changed the path length of the laser. We therefore needed to adjust the relationship between laser beam angle, which is what the printer controls, and linear distance at the print plane, which is what the user cares about. Dimensional accuracy wasn’t a priority for us, so we measured the angular distances between a few points of known linear distance. Then we simply scaled the original calibration to compensate.

We also needed to adjust the vertical distance between the motor’s home position and the surface of the resin. That was as simple as filling the tank to the desired level, lowering the Z stage to the correct height, and recording its position.

Printing Process

The biggest challenge for us in terms of the printing process was surface tension. Bottom-up printers don’t need to worry much about this, though they certainly have other problems like suction forces. Top-down printing happens at an air-liquid interface, where surface tension has a large impact. Resin tends to bead up instead of forming a uniform layer.

We overcame this by submerging the part far enough for gravity to overcome surface tension. However, this then required waiting for that excess resin to flow off after raising the part back up to the correct height for the next layer. Industrial top-down printers often have a wiper that sweeps across to create a uniform layer of liquid resin. And I’d wager they tune the resin formulation to control the surface tension.

The time when surface tension is most apparent is at the very start of the print when the entire Z stage needs to be submerged just a fraction of a millimeter below the resin surface. Waiting for the resin to settle out can take a long time, so we used a perforated Z stage. The holes allowed resin to flow through the middle of the Z stage instead of needing to go all the way to the outside edge. This saved several minutes off the start of every print. A perforated or slotted Z stage also has benefits in bottom-up printing, but the main downside in both cases is that it’s messy.